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Spinning wheel games are extremely versatile, and always fun! Wheel of Names is an amazing take on a classic game. The biggest thing that sets it apart from others like it, is the ability to add photos into each slot alongside or in place of words. This makes it especially great for anyone who is visually minded or for family fun, as it’s more inclusive for children who can’t read yet. Another amazing feature is that you can load lists from your computer. This saves so much time typing out lists and really simplifies the process, allowing it to be used for a variety of purposes with great ease. I’ve been using it for a while now and will highlight some of my favorite uses I have found for the Wheel of Name so far.


I run a small business and have found Wheel of Names extremely useful to build engagement with my clients. When I am trying to increase traffic to my location, I will have special days where anyone who visits my shop can spin the wheel for a chance to win a prize. This is extremely popular with my clientele, and I always see a huge increase in store visits and sales on these days. I have also hosted a few fund-raising raffles, where clients can pay to enter their name in a draw to win prizes or free services. It’s so simple and easy to enter everyone on to the Wheel of Names, and participants love watching the wheel spin in anticipation of seeing it stop on their name.

Family Time

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It should be no surprise that Spin the Wheel is a huge hit for a family with children. My kids LOVE to use it for art time and for family game night. For art time we will do a spin to see what kind of medium we will be using for that day’s project, and sometimes we will even spin it again to see what it is we will be making. It can be hard to keep young children focused for things like this and having that extra element of fun and surprise really helps to keep things exciting and engaging. We also have game night once a week, where we will use the Wheel of Names to help us decide which games to play. This has helped to transform our game night routine- from one of pure chaos as everyone shouts over each other trying to have their say in which game we should play, to quiet anticipation as we watch the wheel spin and cross our fingers that it will land on the game we want.

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Wheel of Names has not only helped us with these fun aspects of family life, but it has also helped with the not so fun stuff as well. Choosing what to make for dinner is never an easy task, but I have developed a routine that has really simplified the process. After doing my weekly shopping, I will make a list of the week’s worth of meal options. Then each night all I have to do is load the list into the Wheel of Names, and voila! No more tough decisions. My husband and I will also use the Wheel of Names for date night. Neither of us ever has the energy to decide where we want to go, so we simply load the list of our favorite restaurants into the Wheel of Names, and now even nights out have been simplified.


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If you are like me and struggle with social events, Wheel of Names can help you there as well. If you are hosting a gathering with new people, what better way to break the ice than to use the Wheel for a fun game to help everyone get to know each other. You can load all sorts of fun and personal questions in to the wheel to play while having some drinks. If it’s a gathering with friends you already know quite well, you could try it out for a fun twist on truth or dare instead.

Every day functionality

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I have ADHD, and anyone else who does as well will know the daily struggle with executive dysfunction. And for anyone else- this just means we have difficulties choosing tasks to do, even though we have a list of about a million things we want to do at any given moment. Thanks to Wheel of Names, I have found a fun way to combat this daily issue. Instead of being overwhelmed and unable to pick where to start with my to-do list, I choose the most pressing tasks and simply add them to the wheel. Another great feature of the Wheel of Names is that you can remove items as they are chosen. This makes it the perfect tool, as you can remove items as you complete them and keep spinning. Instead of zoning out on the couch, I am now accomplishing so much more each and every day.

As you can see there are infinite uses for such an amazing game as Wheel of Names. Loading your saved lists and adding photos to your wheel options make this game an extremely user-friendly way to have fun in such a wide variety of ways. The Wheel of Names has already helped to simplify and excitement to my life in so many ways, I can’t wait to keep using it and see what other fun ways it can spice up my life!